Hyper Island Application Tasks
To get into Hyper Island, students must complete an application task set by the admissions team. The purpose of the application task is to give prospective students an opportunity to showcase their business / tech / design experience, their approach to creating and communication design solutions, and to demonstrate their genuine interest in attending. With far more applications received than available seats, the application task is one of several means that the school uses to filter and select students for each intake.
I had originally been accepted into the Hyper Island Design Lead program in 2020, but was unable to attend due to the covid pandemic. I then successfully re-applied for Design Lead in 2022. My application tasks for both years are shown below. Enjoy!
In the modern era there is no shortage of digital solutions to human problems. But is it possible that for all of our technological advancements, we may be overemphasising digital experiences at the cost of less advanced solutions that are a better fit?
Your task is create a concept that facilitates and enhances connection between people, and solves some kind of human problem. The catch is, the solution cannot be solely digital - the core of your solution must revolve around something that is physical and "in the real world".
Coffee Therapy is a "front door" experience to your therapy journey designed to avoid unnecessary time spent trying to understand your unique situation and navigate mental health care options.
Using best-practice UX/UI, digital self-assessment and triaging tools, Coffee Therapy matches users with licensed therapists in their vicinity, with whom they can have a free consultation to explain how the mental healthcare system works, and what the next steps in their own journey could look like. Users can arrange to meet in-person during business hours, but in a more casual setting if preferred, such as a cafe or walk in a park (a video call option is also available).
The consultation (and ideally several follow-up consultations) is intended to be free for the user by being funded through state, regional or federal health budgets. ROI is achieved through reduced future public healthcare costs and extended economic productivity due to early intervention.
Pick one of the 16 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create a concept to address it. Demonstrate how your solution addresses the goal, which stakeholders are involved, and a high-level roadmap for implementation.
There is no shortage of skill, experience and goodwill in the world. While not unlimited, there is also plenty of financing and material resources at hand to implement solutions on the ground. What if there was a way to marshal and combine these resources to deliver building and infrastructure projects in the developing world?
Assemble is a pro-bono project collaboration platform that connects developing communities with professional project teams, development financing and other strategic partners to deliver crucial building and infrastructure projects in their community.